Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) is a co-product of the ethanol
production process, primarily from corn-based ethanol.
Our facility produces 62 MT of DDGS every day.

Using DDGS as energy offers several benefits:

Renewable Energy Source: DDGS is a byproduct of biofuel production, making it a renewable energy source that helps reduce reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels. High Energy Content: DDGS contains a considerable amount of residual energy, as it retains a significant portion of the original corn's energy value. It can be used as a feedstock for various energy production processes.

Efficient Utilisation of Resources: By using DDGS as energy, it maximises resource utilisation in the ethanol production process, turning a byproduct into a valuable energy source.

Lower Environmental Impact: Utilising DDGS as energy reduces waste disposal issues and decreases the environmental impact associated with disposing of large quantities of byproducts.

Potential for Combined Heat and Power (CHP): DDGS can be used in combined heat and power systems, where it serves as a feedstock for bioenergy production and also generates heat and electricity.

Feedstock Flexibility: DDGS can be used in various energy generation technologies, such as combustion, gasification, or anaerobic digestion, offering flexibility in choosing suitable processes.

While DDGS has potential as an energy source, it is crucial to ensure that its use does not interfere with its primary purpose as animal feed. Striking a balance between using DDGS for energy and fulfilling its role as a high-protein feed supplement is essential to avoid affecting livestock nutrition and food security. Proper management and consideration of economic and environmental factors are critical to maximise the benefits of DDGS utilisation as an energy source while maintaining its value in the agricultural and livestock sectors.

Making of

Grain Stock

Using Yeast

Distillation Of
The Fermented

Centrifugation of
Fermented Distilled

Drying Of Wet
Distilled Grain

Dried Distiller's
Grain With Soluble
is produced

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